Yokogawa Electric Corporation acquires RAP International Ltd


Yokogawa Electric Corporation has signed an agreement on September 5th with UK-based RAP International Ltd. (RAP) to acquire all shares of the company and make RAP a wholly-owned subsidiary. RAP provides digitized solutions that support risk assessment, management of the permit to work (PtW) process, and governance of control of work (CoW) for all plant maintenance activities.

Integrating RAP’s electronic risk assessment and PtW software solutions with Yokogawa’s real-time plant condition monitoring will drive safety assurance, reduce turnaround times, and support customers in providing enhanced protection for their people, assets, and the environment.

Manufacturing plants rely on scheduled and unscheduled maintenance activities to keep operating, ranging from daily rounds by field service personnel to the replacement of major pieces of equipment that can require shutdown of the entire plant for days or more.

Yokogawa provides industrial automation solutions to optimize productivity and efficiency whilst at the same time assuring plant safety and asset integrity. The company already offers solutions that can monitor the health of plant equipment, and digital platforms to support field maintenance.

RAP’s solutions will further enhance Yokogawa’s asset and safety assurance value proposition. Yokogawa will expand the availability of RAP’s consultancy services and road-tested systems through its global sales network, starting in Europe.

Simon Rogers, Head of Yokogawa’s Advanced Solutions Division, commented, “One of the strategies laid out in our Transformation 2020 mid-term business plan is to expand our OPEX business, so in line with that we look forward to making this outstanding addition to Yokogawa’s safety assurance portfolio available to our customers around the world as soon as possible.”


Simon Roger,
Head of Yokogawa’s Advanced Solutions Division




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