Going Premium in the Solar Industry: A step towards a truly sustainable future


The time has come for a transformative shift in the solar industry. We must transition to a mindset that places a premium not just on the price tag, but on every aspect of the solar ecosystem.

In a recent article published by Economic Times, Sale of luxury vehicles sees 38% jump YoY in June, much ahead of overall automobile sales growth.

It’s a testament to our evolving tastes and a reminder of our inclination toward premium quality products. However, while we celebrate this growth in one sector, we must also consider the implications for another, perhaps even more crucial industry – the solar sector.

Cars, as we all know, are not built to last for two or more decades. The average lifespan of an automobile ranges from 10 to 15 years. Yet, when we turn our gaze to the solar industry, which is designed to protect the environment, reduce pollution, and provide clean, sustainable energy, we find ourselves in a perplexing situation. Why is it that the solar industry often finds itself caught in a relentless race to the bottom when it comes to pricing?

Going Premium in the Solar Industry: A step towards a truly sustainable future

What is Our Commitment to a Sustainable Future?

Are we genuinely creating a sustainable future within the renewable energy industry, or is our relentless focus on low prices potentially undermining the very essence of what this industry stands for? Are we, in our pursuit of cheaper solar solutions, inadvertently contributing to environmental degradation and climate change?
It’s an essential question to ask, especially as we are living on this planet as if we have another one to go to. The stark reality is that there is no “Planet B.” We must take urgent and thoughtful action to safeguard our only home.

Embracing Premium in the Solar Industry

The time has come for a transformative shift in the solar industry. We must transition to a mindset that places a premium not just on the price tag, but on every aspect of the solar ecosystem.
As our Managing Director wisely puts it, “To secure a sustainable future, we need to go beyond the status quo. It’s time to embrace a premium approach in the solar industry – premium brands with a proven history, premium quality, premium service, premium future-proofing, and premium commitment to sustainable production and on-field operations.”

Going premium means

1. Quality and Durability: Solar productdesigned to stand the test of time, ensuring optimal performance and minimal environmental impact.
2. Brand Reputation: Trusting well-established brands with a track record of reliability and credibility.
3. Service Excellence: Providing premium customer service, from installation to maintenance and support.
4. Future-Proof Solutions: Staying at the forefront of technology to ensure solar installations remain relevant amidst rapid advancements.
5. Sustainable Production: Prioritizing environmentally friendly manufacturing processes to reduce the carbon footprint of solar products.
6. On-Field Sustainability: Committing to efficient operations and maintenance practices for environmentally friendly, long-lasting solar installations.

In conclusion, while the surge in luxury car sales may be impressive, the true luxury lies in embracing a premium mindset within the solar industry. It’s time to elevate our solar solutions to align with the urgent need for a sustainable and thriving planet. Let’s ensure that our actions today reflect the world we aspire to leave for generations to come.

Going Premium in the Solar Industry: A step towards a truly sustainable future

[Contributed by Fronius India]

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