DSM firmly on course to achieve 75% renewable electricity with largest PPA partnerships to date


Royal DSM, a global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, today announces that it will reduce its CO2 emissions by approximately 85,000 tons/year through the signing of its largest renewable energy Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to date. These PPAs, one in Europe and one in the USA, cover approximately one quarter of DSM’s current total annual electricity consumption. With these deals DSM is well positioned to outpace its target of achieving 75% of purchased electricity from renewable sources by 2030. In 2019, DSM purchased 50% of its electricity from renewable resources.

The PPA in Europe has been signed with EDPR, a global leader in the renewable energy sector and one of the world’s largest wind energy producers. DSM will source renewable electricity from one wind farm and two solar power plants in Spain with a total capacity of 76 MW. The other large PPA in the USA has been signed with Origis Energy, a global solar company, for a solar plant with a total capacity of 78 MW. With these long-term agreements DSM enables the owners to secure financing for the construction of their new renewable energy parks and ensures additional renewable electricity capacity for the planet.

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