Mitsubishi Electric launches iQ-Edgecross software

Mitsubishi Electric is introducing a real-time data analyser and four data collectors as additions to its line-up of iQ Edgecross edge computing software solutions.


iQ Edgecross products support the Edgecross open software platform that is used to integrate factory automation (FA) and information technology (IT).

The real-time data analyser is software equipped with proprietary artificial intelli-gence (AI) for data analysis and diagnostics that customers can use to strengthen preventive maintenance and quality in their productions shops. The analyser soft-ware is supported by data collectors that enable easy, high-speed data collection.

Together, the analyser and collectors can improve efficiency by enhancing edge computing in Mitsubishi Electric’s e-F@ctory integrated FA solutions, which are de-signed to reduce the costs of development, production and maintenance for cus-tomers.

The reason for this new development is clear to see. Due to the increasing incorpora-tion of the Internet of Things (IoT) and AI technologies in production processes, solutions that implement simple and swift data collection, visualisation and data diagnos-tics are in demand at advanced manufacturing facilities around the world.

A key feature of the real-time data analyser with AI is that it strengthens preventative maintenance strategies. Real-time analysis and diagnosis of production systems can be performed during operation, using one software, instead of separate soft-ware suites for different purposes, such as offline analysis and real-time diagnostics.

The technology is designed to improve the accuracy of detecting equipment anoma-lies during real-time diagnostics using similar waveform recognition technology (a Mitsubishi Electric Maisart AI technology) to learn and recognise data such as sensor waveform patterns.

Further capabilities of the products include the potential to implement preventive maintenance and quality improvements without additional programming. For ins-tance, in the event of any problems arising, factor analysis has been simplified with statistical diagnostic tools like the Mahalanobis-Taguchi method (detects differences from normal operations using correlations between data sets) and multi-variable re-gression analysis for data.

Four types of data collectors are available that support SLMP, OPC UA and MTCon-nect protocols and communications standards. In addition, the data collectors are fully compatible with the CC-Link IE field network for high-speed data collection (up to 1ms) to ensure highly accurate equipment control.

About Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
With nearly 100 years of experience in providing reliable, high-quality products, Mit-subishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) is a recognized world leader in the man-ufacture, marketing and sales of electrical and electronic equipment used in informa-tion processing and communications, space development and satellite communications, consumer electronics, industrial technology, energy, transportation and build-ing equipment.

Embracing the spirit of its corporate statement, Changes for the Better, and its envi-ronmental statement, Eco Changes, Mitsubishi Electric endeavors to be a global, leading green company, enriching society with technology. The company recorded consolidated group sales of 4,444.4 billion yen (in accordance with IFRS; US$ 41.9 billion*) in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2018.

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*At an exchange rate of 106 yen to the US dollar, the rate given by the Tokyo For-eign Exchange Market on March 31, 2018

About Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation Business Group
Offering a vast range of automation and processing technologies, including con-trollers, drive products, power distribution and control products, electrical discharge machines, electron beam machines, laser processing machines, computerized nu-merical controllers, and industrial robots, Mitsubishi Electric helps bring higher pro-ductivity -and quality- to the factory floor. In addition, our extensive service networks around the globe provide direct communication and comprehensive support to cus-tomers.
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About e-F@ctory
e-F@ctory is Mitsubishi Electric’s integrated concept to build reliable and flexible manufacturing systems that enable users to achieve many of their high speed, infor-mation driven manufacturing aspirations. Through its partner solution activity, the e-F@ctory Alliance, and its work with open network associations such as The CC-Link Partners Association (CLPA) and The Edgecross Consortium, users can build com-prehensive solutions based on a wide ranging ‘best in class’ principle.
In summary, e-F@ctory and the e-F@ctory Alliance enable customers to achieve inte-grated manufacturing but still retain the ability to choose the most optimal suppliers and solutions.

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*e-F@ctory is a trademark of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in Japan and other coun-tries.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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